Last Names

I began thinking of the number of last names within the family & how each eventually traces back to Loreto & Maria Cedrone. But more importantly I wanted to see how many last names or family's are now within our family.
I'll use my family as an example. My mother a Cedrone marries & becomes a Tocci. My sister Diane marries, & becomes a Cuatt. Her daughter Christine marries & is a Taylor.
A new last name comes into the family each time a daughter marries.
Tracing backwards... Christine Taylor is the daughter of Diane & George Cuatt, Diane is the daughter of Frank & Christine Tocci, Christine is the daughter of Loreto & Maria Cedrone.
Because Loreto is first married to Donata Rufo you must also include that name, since she was Harry & Vi's mother & you must also include Maria's maiden name Cellucci, because she is the biological mother to all the other siblings.
Here are the last names I could recall. If you know of more, please email me at
Ask if you don't know who belongs to a last name, i.e. JONES, is Nancy Camilli's daughter Lauren's married name.
Just a few of the last names within our family:
Cedrone Tocci Salvucci Rufo Camilli Consorte Fricchione Tuttle Perone Jones Roach Patane
Ferguson Fusco Cantor Tougas Cuatt Taylor Kelly
Stemkowski Gentile Grube Marini Arienti
Mahoney Meyer Leone Pelligrini Sambucci
Vecchione Arpie Maciejczyk Palumbo Curnow
Chernak Naughton Montes Sorrentino Grassia Akin Kaminski Hamilton Lindsay...